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COVID-19: outbreak management plan

1. Introduction

This plan is based on the contingency framework for managing local outbreaks of COVID-19 and the schools operational guidance, provided by the Department for Education (DfE).

We will only implement some, or all, of the measures in this plan in response to recommendations provided by our local authority (LA), directors of public health (DsPH), Public Health England (PHE) health protection team or the national government.

It may be necessary to implement these measures in the following circumstances, for example: 

  • To help manage a COVID-19 outbreak within the school. Actions will be considered when either of the following thresholds are met:
  • There are 5 positive cases amongst pupils or staff who are likely to have mixed closely within a 10-day period
  • 10% of pupils or staff who are likely to have mixed closely test positive within a 10-day period
  • If COVID-19 infection rates in the community are extremely high, and other measures have failed to reduce transmission
  • As part of a package of measures responding to a ‘variant of concern’ (VoC)
  • To prevent unsustainable pressure on the NHS


2. Seeking public health advice

When one of the thresholds above is met, we will review the testing, hygiene and ventilation measures already in place.

We will also seek public health advice from a director of public health or health protection team. The Headteacher will be responsible for seeking this advice, and will do so by telephoning the DfE helpline (0800 046 8687) or Kirklees Emergency Planning.



3. Shielding

We will adhere to national guidance on the reintroduction of shielding, which would apply to those on the shielded patient list (SPL).

Following expert clinical advice and the successful rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine programme, people previously considered to be clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) will not be advised to shield again.

Individuals previously identified as CEV are advised to continue to follow the guidance on how to stay safe and help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Individuals should consider advice from their health professional on whether additional precautions are right for them.

In the event of a major outbreak or VoC that poses a significant risk to individuals on the shielded patient list (SPL), ministers can agree to reintroduce shielding. Shielding would be considered in addition to other measures to address the residual risk to people on the SPL, once the wider interventions are taken into account.

Shielding can only be reintroduced by national government.


4. Other measures

Parents, carers, pupils and staff will be informed promptly about the introduction of control measures. This will be done via letter and ParentHub message once a decision has been made.

If recommended, we will limit:

  • Residential educational visits
  • Open days
  • Transition or taster days
  • Parents coming into school
  • Live performances
  • If recommended, we will (re)introduce a range of covid-19 measures including:
  • Bubbles, to reduce mixing between groups
  • Face coverings in communal areas for staff and visitors (unless exempt)
  • Face coverings in classrooms if recommended for adults and visitors
  • Restrict access to the school building to all non-essential visitors


5. Attendance restrictions

Attendance restrictions will only be recommended as a last resort. If recommended, we will implement the measures in this section.

5.1 Eligibility to remain in school

If restrictions are recommended, we will stay open for:

  • Vulnerable pupils
  • Children of critical workers

5.2 Education and support for pupils at home

All other pupils will be required to stay at home and will receive remote education.

We will aim to deliver remote education that meets the same quality and quantity of education that pupils would receive in school, as outlined in our remote learning statement.

The school will continue to provide meal vouchers for pupils eligible for benefits-related free school meals while they are not attending school because of COVID-19 isolation guidelines. These will be distributed through the Wande platform.

5.3 Wraparound care

In the event of an outbreak, we will limit access to before and after-school activities and wraparound care during term time and the summer holidays to those that need it most.

We will communicate who will be eligible to attend once the restrictions are confirmed.

5.4 Safeguarding

We will review our child protection policy to make sure it reflects the local restrictions and remains effective. School staff will remain vigilant to ensure all of our children are safe. Information will be shared with other agencies as usual.

We will aim to have a trained DSL or deputy DSL on site wherever possible.

If our DSL (or a deputy) can’t be on site, they can be contacted by the senior member of staff on site.

On occasions where there is no DSL or deputy on site, a senior leader will take responsibility for co-ordinating safeguarding on site.

Parents of all vulnerable and potential critical worker children will need to share their intentions to send children to school before the start of the school week using a Google form link sent out by the Headteacher each weekend.

When vulnerable pupils are absent, we will:

  • Speak to parents/carers and, where applicable, social workers and the local authority, to work out the reason for absence
  • Encourage attendance
  • Make sure vulnerable pupils can access appropriate education and support while at home
  • Maintain contact, and check regularly that the pupil is able to access remote education provision
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