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Easter Egg Design and Make Competition


These were the winners of our Design and Make Easter Egg competition.  Stefan Dumitru was our winner! He was delighted to win with his 'Britain's Got Talent' egg.  The judges were terrifying as they 'egged' on the acts.

Red Nose Day Celebrations


Our Red Nose Day, on 15th March, was  a massive success.  We raised over £1200 thanks to children who rasied money for a sponsored silence.  Despite Mr Richardson attempting to disrupt the silence by telling  jokes he had found on the joke wall (supplied by children) all children managed to remain silent and stoney faced.

Joseph and Harry Spotswood won the opportunity to make a cake for 'Red Nose Day.'  They had designed this at home as part of a school competition.  Look at their amazing cake on the photo gallery above.

'Let's Get Cooking' spent hours of time making buns to sell on the day of the event.  A huge thank you to Mrs Hall and her helpers for making this possible.

Overall, another big thanks to Miss Delaney for organising the event.

We hope that our money goes some way to wiping out malaria - soemthing we have learnt a lot about through our partner school in Tanzania.

Batley Parish Has Got Talent


Our 'Batley Parish Has Got Talent' final at the end of the Easter term proved exactly that.  We had so much talent - from instrumentalists to dancers to singers. Ava Hosley came first with an impressive street dance she had made up herself.  She was thrilled and her family were there to witness the special occasion.

Many thanks to Mrs Tomlinson for organising this special occasion.



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