Class 2
In Year 2 we will look after each other by sharing things and spending time together. We will work hard as a team, always doing our best work. We will be forgiving in friendship and prayer.
Home Reading Books: Your child can change their independent reading book, once a comment has been made in their book, daily.
PE sessions: Monday afternoon and Friday morning - we have two PE sessions each week. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school on these days.
Library Books: Class Two have the option to change their library book on Tuesday afternoon. This is on a weekly basis.
Homework: Children will be set some maths/ english homework every Wednesday. This should be returned no later that the following Monday.
Spellings: these will be given every Friday. Children need to practise their spellings on the sheet provided and use at least 3 of the words in sentences.
Additional homework: At times, when appropriate, either additional or alternative homework (Topic) is given to support learning in the class.
Weekly Tests: children will have their spelling test and mental maths test on Friday morning.
Welcome to the Class Two team!
I’m Mrs Mayet and I am the class teacher. In the Class Two team we also have: Miss Daji, who supports the class in the morning and Mrs Bairstow, who works with us in the afternoon. Mrs Lunat and Mrs Hall provide 1:1 support.
We have been thinking carefully about how we can look after ourselves. We have learnt about the importance of a balanced diet. We have read 'Eat your greens Goldilocks', and designed a healthy meal for Goldilocks. We then created this using art and craft materials.
As part of our topic, we have used the book 'Oliver's Vegetables' as a starting point for our English work. We have identified the key features of recipes and will be writing our own recipes and instructions.