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Welcome back to school! We have a fantastic half term ahead of us including our brilliant topic ‘All about me’. Thank you all for your support so far in your children’s learning. We have particularly enjoyed looking at the holiday diaries and sharing photographs of our families. This has helped with their speaking and listening development and has linked well with their writing in literacy.

Parent Information

Our PE sessions are on a Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning.This term we have been working on our fundamental and ball skills.

All homework and spelling are given out on a Friday and must be returned to school the following Thursday.

Our spelling test takes places every Friday

Our Library books will be on a Monday


Our team

My name is Miss Chothia and I am the Class One teacher. I believe that all children should have the access to a creative and exciting learning environement that will challenge them to become curious and independant learners.I am supported by a wonderful team of highly experienced practitioners

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