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Marvellous Me

Our first half term topic is 'Marvellous Me'. We focused on getting to know your child, teaching them about us and nursery and helping them to settle in to nursery and form friendships. We created self-portraits, explored the outdoor and indoor environment, completed a range of sensory activities, learnt about ourselves including naming some of our facial features and body parts and we started our learning about autumn.

Anti-Bullying Week

This half term we celebrated anti-bullying week. This was where we read lots of stories including 'Giraffes Can't Dance', 'I am Special', 'Hugo and the Bully Frogs' and 'Don't Be a Bully Billy'. We encouraged the children to think about different feelings and what bullying was. We had circle times and group times talking about the importance of being special and how unique we all are.

Settling In

We understand that some of the children will be starting at our nursery this half term. We want to assure you that at times the children may be a little upset to begin with this does not usually last for long. We will provide settling in group times with name games, stories such as 'Owl Babies' to teach children that although our parents leave us they always come back, we will assign them a key worker based on the member of staff they seem to have a bond with and we will provide you with a username and password to your child's Early Essence online learning journey. This will allow you to see some of the things your child has been doing at nursery.

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